New address from May 2024: Pluimstraat 16 - 9000 Gent

Reprint More Home, More Garden, available from August 2024

Marie-José Van Hee received an Ultima Award, the 2023 Flanders Prize for Architecture on 16 May 2023


job opening

Currently there aren't any job openings.

general notes on applications

We regret that we are unable to return any materials sent to us, so please keep your application concise and do not send books, bound portfolios etc. Please do not send registered packages and consider the environment.

MJosé Van Hee architecten values the contributions made by its employees and are committed to renumerating all staff for the work they do. We do not seek to actively gain an unfair commercial advantage, nor discriminate against less well off applicants by employing unpaid interns or volunteers.